If you are slowly losing your hair and have decided enough is enough, then it’s time to shave it all off! This post will show you exactly how to shave you head bald and still look and feel good.

There’s nothing worse than being one of those guys who is still trying to hold onto his last bit of hair.
I get the feeling, trust me.
But the number one piece of advice I can give to you and anyone who is busy balding is to just shave the damn hair off already!
Not only will you look like a total badass.
But you’ll also escape the lie you have been living of having to constantly cover up your bald patches so people don’t notice anything.
So stop living a lie and embrace your new baldness.
It will be worth it in the end!
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How To Shave Your Bald Head
See also:
- My Balding Advice: Why You Need To Start Working Out
- How To Look Good Bald & Be Confident As A Bald Man
I recently wrote an article about why guys who are slowly balding need to shave their heads sooner than later.
In there I mentioned a few points as to why it’s super beneficial to get it done right away, instead of waiting for the inevitable to occur.
Let’s recap on 4 quick pointers I mentioned when discussing why you need to shave your head right now.
1. No one can say shit anymore. The moment you own the shaved head look, no one can pass any comments about you going bald anymore. Why? Because you have owned your baldness completely by grabbing the razor.
2. You can reinvent yourself quicker. Here’s one fact for you if you are already showing signs of baldness: You will, one day, have almost no hair on your head. It’s just a fact. So instead of allowing your emotions to die a slow and painful death, shave your head and reinvent your new look right NOW!
3. The longer you wait, the harder it will get. This is so true. As you allow months to go by, you will keep wondering how you will look completely bald. Will females notice me? Will my self confidence die down? Just take the leap and get it done. You will be surprised how good and free you look.
4. It’s less noticeable early on. No one will notice any signs of balding before you do yourself. It’s just the truth. So if you are only showing mild signs of baldness, chances are not many people know that you are going bald. So by shaving it off early on, most people will just assume you went for the prisoner look.
So if you, like so many other men are showing signs if baldness, then you might just want to take the next step and join the bald brothers club!
Follow the Steps Below on How to Shave your Head Bald

Below are 10 steps I always follow every time I shave my head using a razor.
Step 1: Trim your hair if needed
Using a hair trimmer to quickly trim your hair as short as possible does make for shaving with a razor a lot easier.
Personally I don’t use a trimmer as I use a razor every second day. So my hair is never long enough to ever need a trim.
But if you hair might need one, then cut it as low as possible with a trimmer.
Step 2: Soften your hair with warm water
It’s a good idea to soak your head with some warm water before beginning to shave.
This preps it nicely for the shave.
Step 3: Apply shaving gel
Get the shaving gel out and start rubbing your head!
Try and cover your entire head, include your sideburns.
Without a good gel, shaving your head will be pretty uncomfortable!
Step 4: Make sure your blades are good to go
Before starting to shave, check your razor straps and make sure they aren’t too faded.
Most blades have these straps on them that usually fade in color if they have endured too much wear and tear.
Also check for rust or anything stuff like that.
Step 5: Let’s get shaving brothers!
In the beginning I found it quite difficult to shave by myself.
I wasn’t exactly sure how the hell one shaves the back of your head without being able to see where you are going, but it’s actually pretty simple.

My advice is to start around the ears, and keep shaving gently towards the back of your neck. Work your way from your ears towards the centre of your head, then keep going until you reach your other ear.
So it’s best to do long strokes all the way to the base of your neck. This way you never miss anything, and it’s super fast.
Step 6: Rinse razor blade often
The razor blade will get small pieces of hair stuck in it quite easily.
After every two strokes or so, rinse it thoroughly under a running tap. Preferably warm water.
Step 7: Feel your scalp for missed spots
Don’t bother using a fancy mirror to try and see where you may or may not have missed any spots.
Simply use your hand and rub it all over your head. You’ll quickly notice where you might have missed a spot or two.
Then re apply a small bit of gel and shave those parts off too.
Step 8: Rinse off and dry up
Rinse your head with cool water and dry it completely with a towel.
I usually just jump in the shower and hang my head under the shower.
Step 9: Moisturize & sunscreen
It’s vital that you put something on your head after shaving, otherwise it can get dry, flaky and sun burnt!
Treat yourself to a tub of high quality, scalp and face moisturizer. It is so worth it in the long term, as you do not want your scalp to become too unhealthy and look horrible in a few years!
Remember your head will be exposed to direct sunlight, so the last thing you want to happen is getting your scalp burnt.
A quick tip: If you want to, apply some coconut oil to your head after shaving and leave it for 20 or 30 minutes. Then shower, wash your head and apply some moisturizer. Coconut oil naturally is really good for your skin.
Step 10: Enjoy being a badass
Now you can enjoy your new found look.
Looking good bald is more than just shaving and caring for your head.
That’s what we are all about here at The Bald Brothers. So make sure you also work on your fitness and physical side of things, so that you can truly become a bald badass.
Final Thoughts
If you are balding in any way, then you should consider going ahead and shaving it all off.
You definitely won’t regret it, and you’ll wish you did it sooner!
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