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How To Maintain A Shaved Head: 5 Simple Tips

One thing most of us bald men figure out quite early is that simply shaving your head and leaving it isn’t a good idea. If you are looking for tips on how to maintain a shaved head, then this article is just for you.

how to maintain a shaved head (1)

If you have decided enough is enough and have joined the The Bald Nation by shaving it all off, then I congratulate you!

It’s one of the best things you will ever do, trust me.

No more worrying about those bald patches.

No more trying to hide them either.

It’s a liberating feeling, and it should be so!

But the one thing you need to remember is that just because you don’t have any more hair on your head, doesn’t mean you can stop looking after it.

Yes, no more trips to the barber or to the overpriced hairdressor.

But it still requires a bit of TLC.

And that’s what I am going to show you in this article!

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11/09/2024 06:51 pm GMT

How To Maintain A Shaved Head

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If you razor your head everyday, or even every other day, then you also need to show your scalp a bit of care after each shave.

You can’t just simply shave your head and go out and about.

You skull will end up dry, itchy and most likely sunburnt!

And this is the last thing you want to happen.

Trust me.

So if you have just taken the plunge and decided to completely shave your head, or if you are balding quite a bit and thinking of shaving it, then these tips below are for you.

Right, let’s get to a few tips on how to maintain a shaved head.

1. Get The Best Razor

Unfortunately there aren’t many razors or shaving products out there that are directly aimed at men shaving their head (Well, none that work well).

We need to rather use the products that are meant for shaving facial hair, and use them on our heads.

As I mention whenever speaking about how you should shave your head, I have been using all of Gillette’s shaving products.

Their razors are really good, and I have had minimal issues when it comes to having a clean shave.

I literally just grabbed the first Gillette razor I saw in the shop, and have been using it ever since.

They have a bunch of different razors you can choose from, and I personally recommend them all.

I think every single shop actually stores their products, so it’s easy to purchase and to buy new razor blades wen needed.

But we do all have different preferences, so make sure you go for a razor which works well for you.

And remember, with a good razor comes a good shaving gel.

Don’t go for the cheap stuff.

Rather spend a bit extra and get a shaving gel that actually does its job!

2. Remember To Always Moisturize

I found this out the hard way.

Early on, I used to shave my head, dry it with a towel and continue with my day.

But eventually I started to feel just how dry and annoying my scalp became.

Everyone’s different.

But for me, it was really uncomfortable.

That’s when I decided to start moisturizing on a daily basis.

Usually at night time before I sleep. And it has helped me loads!

We saw a massive gap in the market to create skincare products for just bald men.

So make sure to check out our store!

It’s a really good idea to have a scalp & face moisturizer at your reach at all times.

Try and make sure you apply some bald head cream to your scalp & face at least once a day. And you could even pump that up to twice, if you feel that your skin is a bit dry!

3. Shampoo Your Bald Head? Hell Yes

Even though you don’t have anymore hair on your head, it still needs to be cleaned!

So remember to give it a good scrubbing every now and then.

It’ll take far less shampoo, and drying will be easier!

But if you don’t clean your head a few times a week, it’ll start to become pretty oily.

And we don’t want that.

when to shave your head if going bald

4. You Need To Use Sunscreen

If you have ever experienced sunburn on your head, then you know how important this tip is!

It’s the worst type of sunburn ever.


It fucking sucks.

Our scalp is naturally pretty sensitive already, and even more so if you are a new bald man.

So make sure to always get in the habit of applying sunscreen right after shaving in the morning. Or if you aren’t shaving, still apply it after your morning shower.

The good news is that most good quality sunscreens nowadays act as a moisturizer too.

So you don’t always need two types of creams.

Get one that protects your head from the sun and keeps it moist, and you are good to go!

5. Get Organic with Coconut Oil

If you want to use something organic that’s really good for your head, then buy yourself a tub of natural coconut oil.

Apply it your scalp after shaving, and leave it on for a good 30 minutes.

If you don’t mind the oily feel of coconut oil, then you can spend all day or all night with it applied.

But I personally like to rinse it off a little bit.

Coconut oil is really good for your skin.

And it acts as a natural sunscreen too.

6. Get A Beanie In Winter

When the months start getting cold, you really don’t want to end up with an icy cold scalp.

Grab yourself a really good quality and comfortable beanie.

I personally wear one throughout winter, even inside the house.

It just feels really good, and it keeps my shaved head nice and warm!


I hope these easy tips on how to maintain a shaved head make sense.

It might seem like hard work, but having a shaved head is a lot easier than having to deal with hair!

Just get into the habit of doing the above, and your head will be a looked after asset.

If you are a new bald man and want to come hang out with other fellow bald legends, then make sure to join our awesome community.

We are happy to have you!


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11/09/2024 05:52 pm GMT

Erwin Guterl

Wednesday 29th of April 2020

Good information. Helpful.


Friday 1st of May 2020

Thanks mate!

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