If you are wondering whether hair loss in men is all doom and gloom, then this article might just lift your spirits!
Believe it or not, but there are plenty of positive experiences that come with experiencing hair loss in men, and learning how to deal with it.
You will learn new things about yourself that you never thought you had.
You will go through emotional turmoil and keep asking yourself – ‘Why is this happening to me?’.
Not only will the obvious fact, that being a change in appearance, happen to you. But you will also go though a change in the way you perceive yourself.
It usually ends up being a negative perception of yourself, because for so long we have been told that hair loss is bad and not accepted in society.
That’s where The Bald Brothers step in and tell you that this isn’t true at all.
Quite the opposite, in actual fact.

With over 8 years experience in the emotional turmoil that comes with hair loss in men, we sure know a thing or two that can make the process much easier for you.
And even an enjoyable one.
Since taking the plunge back in December 2018, we have evaluated the personal growth attributes that has come with embracing baldness and what we have learn’t from it in our personal development.
In this article I am going to share a few personal growth attributes that comes with embracing baldness that I never knew I could attain before I took the plunge!
- Softens and moistens your bald head and face.
- Hydrates & repairs your dried out skin.
- Helps to maintain a healthy looking scalp and face.
- Non shiny and non greasy moisturiser!
- Size: 90ml | 3oz (3 months supply)
- Free, Fast shipping with Amazon Prime in the USA 🇺🇸
Hair Loss in Men: Possible To Experience Personal Growth During Balding?
See also:
- Why Shaving Your Head Is Good For Your Health
- MANTL Review: Are These The Best Bald Man’s Grooming Products Around?
- 4 Men’s Self Care Products That Every Bald Man Should Own!
The simple answer to the question above is YES for sure.
I have learn’t so much about myself from hair loss.
You could say balding was a good a teacher for me, but I didn’t always see it that way.
I guess hindsight is always a good thing, and with it comes perspective. You see it all as a process of ‘it was mean’t to be!’.
I am now a firm believer that everything in life happens for a reason and that we should embrace the circumstances that we are dealt with.
Hair loss was mean’t to happen to me, and I needed to embrace it and change the way I perceived balding.
So I basically rolled with punches and re-invented myself.
Once this realization came to me, I took it on the chin and basically drew a mental line in the sand.
I decided to pivot and change into a different direction in life.
This was a very significant realization in my life, and from that point on I decided to look at balding and hair loss in a positive light.
And I have really enjoyed the process!
6 Things I learn’t About Myself From Shaving My Head

There have been quite a few changes in my life since I decided to take the plunge and shave my head!
Below are my top 6 things which I have learn’t about myself from shaving my head.
1. Personal Growth
As mentioned above, everything happens for a reason in life, and once I came to this realization I decided to pivot and see everything that happened to me in a positive light.
This helped me become more relaxed about balding and once I shaved my head and saw myself in the mirror.
I decided to change and embrace the new me and go ahead and re-create myself.
From this point onwards I realized that growth is achieved only when things don’t go as you plan, and hence you learn a lot more about yourself
2. Social
During hair loss I was always worried about going to social events etc.
I wore caps most of the time to hide my hair loss.
I was constantly worried about what people would think and say about me. Once I shaved my head, I really stopped caring.
I also stopped trying to fit in with people and only dedicated time to people I wanted to hang out with.
Shaving my head made more confident and socially adaptable.
That’s for sure!
3. Spent More Time Focussing On Things That Made Me Content
I spent more time on my own self development in all aspects of life.
Also I spent more time by myself, and became ruthless with my time.
Eventually I realized that trying to please everyone was only going to be to my own detriment in life.
4. More Time Dedicated To Exercise & Nutrition
We always preach about starting a bodyweight workout routine once you shave your head.
A bald head and being in shape go hand in hand.
Once I took the plunge and shaved my head I started dedicating loads more time to bodyweight exercises, martial arts, yoga and also changed my diet completely to fit my needs.
This was a big change in the right direction in my life.
5. Better Understanding Of My Mental Health
Once I shaved my head and freed myself of the emotional turmoil of hair loss, I quickly realized how much mental time and energy I had wasted worrying about my hair loss situation (which took 8 years of my life to overcome!).
Obviously this was not good situation for myself at all.
Increase in stress levels that I had caused myself, combined with too much overthinking of every possible outcome and situation, was damaging my mental health.
I needed to make a change to my mental health situation and a personal mental shift was hence made by me once I took the plunge.
6. People Don’t Care About How You Look As Much As You Think They Do
When you are going through the balding phase, you worry mostly about what other people will think of you and how they will perceive you.
You also end up worrying about what people will think of you once you have shaved your head and decided to rock the bald head look.
So basically you are always worrying about people will think of you.
This is an awful, stressful way to live your life!
And then you go ahead and shave it all off and then you realise no-one really cares what you look like, it was all in your own head – what a waste of time and energy!

Final Words
A big part of our lives are lived in an egotistical and unconscious state of stress and worry about factors which are out of our control.
This usually leads to mental health issues, but can easily be avoided.
Actually, it should be avoided at all costs!
You physical and mental health is all you can control. No one else can do that for you!
Take control of your current situation that life has dealt you, whether it be balding or not. And deal with it in the best possible way that’s going to lead to a better life.
The Bald Brothers are always here to help.
Drop us a Facebook message or email and we will gladly assist!
Stay healthy!
- Softens and moistens your bald head and face.
- Hydrates & repairs your dried out skin.
- Helps to maintain a healthy looking scalp and face.
- Non shiny and non greasy moisturiser!
- Size: 90ml | 3oz (3 months supply)
- Free, Fast shipping with Amazon Prime in the USA! 🇺🇸