In this week’s post we are doing a Q&A with Roco from Bald World Official.
We found Roco on Instagram and we loved how he promoted bald living in a positive manner by using the balding foundation pillars of shaving your head, having a grooming routine, fitness in the form of physical and mental exercise and good fashion choices!
This really resonated with us, and I therefore decided to reach out do an interview with Roco himself.
Bald Before And After: Bald World Official!
See also:
- See Why Shaving Your Head Is Good For Your Health
- Should I Shave My Head? Here Are 5 Reasons To Shave My Head!
This post consists of 9 questions, mostly relating to Roco’s balding story.
If you are going bald and thinking about shaving your head, then the information below will definitely be of massive help.
1. First of all, what’s your full name? And a bit of background about yourself.
I’m known as Roco but that’s not my real name, that will continue to be shrouded in mystery for now ;).
I was born and raised in London, UK to a British father and Armenian mother. Both my parents worked for the airline industry so travel was always part of my life, and as such I’ve lived in 6 different countries.
I currently live in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
I love rugby, Formula 1, spicy food, and comedy.
2. How old are you now?
I’m 34.
3. What ‘emotions’ did you go through when you first started going bald? How old were you?
I was about 26 when my hairline first started receding from the front but it was very gradual at that point.
It wasn’t until I was around 29/30 when it started to receded further – it never really bothered me.
When I was 32 that’s when it really stared going, the recede continued and I lost a lot off the top too.
It was never something that actually worried me – my dad and both uncles are bald/thinned so I kind of expected it.
It was more of a defining moment than a concern for me.
4. What advice / message would you give to someone who is currently going through this experience?
I would honestly say that it’s so much better to shave it all off once it’s become a significant concern for you.
If you find yourself thinking about it, worrying about it, trying to find tips and tricks to hide it, then it’s become too much of an issue that you shouldn’t be worrying about.
Once it starts to take up time in your mind, it’s time to shave it all off, I guarantee you’ll feel better once you do, even if the initial process is daunting.
5. What spurred you on to just shave it all off?
It was really the lockdown in England that made me do it.
The barbers were closed and I had been trimming my hair myself for a little while, so I felt it was time to take the plunge and just shave it, cos it was starting to look pretty shabby!
I’d also been noticing how little hair I had left on the top and how uneven and unattractive it looked so I knew it’d reached that point. I took my beard trimmer and just went for it.
Instant relief!
6. What do you think of men who do comb-overs to try and salvage what little hair they have left?
I think it’s due to the stigma that’s been built up around bald men over the years and it’s largely due to the worry of other people’s reactions.
The fashion industry and the film industry have largely been focused on men with hair and good hair styles – particularly back in the 70s and 80s when long hair on guys and rockstars was considered the look. Bald men have tended to be portrayed as the bad guy (think Bond villains or Lex Luthor).
It’s also largely to do with how others will react to them being bald. Like it’s a weird look or they’re not the same person anymore.
Especially for younger, single men it can be very concerning to be in that position, worrying if they’ll still be able to find a partner or if women will still find them attractive.
7.Do you think the saying ‘bald is beautiful’ is correct?
I think it’s purely subjective and you can’t say one way or the other. Some people absolutely love bald men (and women) but others find bald men very unattractive.
I think beauty is not something that’s defined by a strict set of rules, but if you’re a good person and you take reasonable care of your body and mind, there’s no reason why you won’t be considered beautiful – hair or no hair.
8. Are there any bald celebrities you admire?
A few yes; comedians Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr are both heroes of mine for different reasons. Chappelle has pretty much had a shaved head since he was a teenager but Bill Burr only went bald in recent years, and he often jokes about it.
I respect people who own it.
I also have a lot of respect for guys like Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham, not necessarily because they’re bald but because of their work ethic and belief that hard work pays off. And their dedication to fitness is very impressive.
9. What made you decide to start the website? How long ago did you start it? How’s it going?
Just before and just after I shaved my head I was looking online for fashion and style ideas specifically for bald men, and found it was a fairly under represented area. There are plenty of fashion sites and pages and guys who do an awesome job at promoting men’s fashion and fitness and lifestyle, but there seemed to be almost no one doing it specifically for bald guys.
I started it almost a year ago now but I didn’t really find the groove or identity with it until very recently.
It’s been difficult to build unique content that I think guys will find valuable and there are a couple of other great websites promoting bald mens’ lifestyle articles.
So I think it’s going to be tough to find my spot in the market but I’m determined to get my message out and create a large library of content to help bald guys with their style, fitness and confidence.
Final Words
Follow Roco’s journey on Instagram, @baldworldofficial and also make sure to check out his site Bald World Official.
His content is really good and is based on bald living, fashion, diet and fitness!