The Bald Brothers blog side of our brand has been running for over 2 years now, and in this time period we have both seen and experienced many men dealing with hair loss and balding who eventually decide to take ownership of their balding emotions, by shaving their heads.
We sometimes meet men who take ownership very quickly, either through realisation that their hair isn’t going to grow back or the decision is made for them – which is the case with Jace Thompson, who will be sharing his balding and life story with us in this blog post.
Jace is a veteran of the US Military and has recently founded the brand dedicated to Bald people: B.A.B.D which stands for Badass Bald Dude.
Who Is The Brand, Badass Bald Dudes?
B.A.B.D was founded by Jace Thompson in 2022.
They are a brand, dedicated the bald men, just like us at The Bald Brothers.
B.A.B.D mission statement and goal is to let people know that we are sober or bald and own it.
Their motto is: It’s not just a thing, it’s a way of life.
Badass Bald Dudes is a brand that we at The Bald Brothers can relate to.
Quite simply put, they help bald men and women overcome hair loss/balding and make them realise that being bald is badass, all you gotta do is own it!

First time customers get a 20% discount at B.A.B.D e-commerce store when using the coupon code: The Bald Brothers
We thoroughly enjoyed doing the interview with Jace, getting to know more about his military background and he came to starting B.A.B.D
1. Tell Us A Bit More About Yourself?
My name is Joshua but I go by JC or Jace and I am 35 years old and have been shaving my head for the last 10 years. I grew up as a U.S. Army brat and moved all over the state of Texas.
I went to a different school every year from the 3rd grade on, so it was difficult to make and keep people in my life. My parents separated when I was 8, my mom remarried four more times.
She was taken from us in 2012 due to a motor vehicle accident.
I spent 11 years in the Air Force, seven of which I spent in Texas and the other four in Aviano, Italy.
I was deployed a total of three times; one as a combat firefighter to Southern Irag, another to UAE, and finally, I spent my last deployment in Qatar.
I currently reside in Charlotte, Michigan with my wife and three children. I have been a stay-at-home dad (domestic engineer) for the last two years and decided to do something with my time and creativity.
2. You mentioned You Are A US Military Veteran – What Made You Join The Military & How Has This Helped Shape You As A Person?
I signed up for the Air Force right out of high school, not knowing what I was going to do with my life.
I just knew that I needed to do something to become someone and obtain all the benefits they had to offer. I joined in 2005 and entered the service as a Firefighter.
I was able to meet people from around the world but most importantly, I learned more about myself and what I could do as well as overcome.
I learned the importance of integrity, communication, and striving for perfection in all we do.
Even more importantly, progress leads to perfection. But, we all know that there is no such thing as perfection, we can always improve and do better through the evaluation of our peers or even self-evaluation.
Take a step back and look at the big picture, not just what’s in front of you.
3. What Inspired You To Start The Online E-Commerce Brand, B.A.B.D?
What inspired me???
Well, I was deployed to Iraq and a few other countries. Everywhere I went, there were bald dudes.
With special forces, EOD, and all the others out there, there were a lot of Bad Ass dudes. So, I decided to come up with some shirts while I was there that said “Don’t Mess With a Bad Ass Bald Dude.”
They were a huge hit, I sold out of my shirts in the first week.
After coming back and leaving the service, I didn’t think too much about it. I left the service in 2016 and went into Federal Firefighting and decided that I had enough and left it all in 2020.
After sitting on my ass for the last two years, I remembered the shirts and the comradery of all the badass bald dudes, so I decided I was gonna run with the theme “Bad Ass Bald Dude” and not look back.
4. Tell Us About Your Hair Loss & Balding Journey?
My hair started thinning out in my early twenties (bad genes I guess) and being in the service it was just cheaper and easier to shave it off.
I accepted the fact that I was gonna be bald by 25 so I pre-amatively started shaving my head and owning it.
5. How Long Did You Wait Until You Took The Plunge And Shave It All Off?
It didn’t take me very long to accept it and take the plunge. (Doesn’t matter anyway, I look damn good clean-shaven and my wife loves it.)
6. Did You Wish You Had Done It Earlier?
To be honest, I haven’t thought about it, I just let go and embraced it.
7. Did You Suffer From Hair Loss Emotions etc?
I am gonna have to say I haven’t suffered from an emotion about my hair but I am sure we all think about what it would be like if we had hair and be like “Nah, that shit ain’t for me.” Never really bothered me.
8. How Often Do You Shave Your Head And Do You Care For And Groom Your Scalp?
I try to shave every two to three days (depending on the weather).
I like to have a little fuzz when it’s cold because it holds my beanie on. As for bald head care care, sometimes I wear sunscreen, but I just use cheap, no scented lotion or moisturizer – Nothing special so I can’t wait to have some real shit in my life.
9. Shaving Your Head And Setting Yourself Free From Balding Emotions Is Often Easier In Talk Than In Theory. What’s Your Take On That Statement?
Just go for it, you will be happier just accepting it and owning it.
Self-image is a very important part of life and it may be hard to let go of the things that we can control. We, as individuals, know who we are and I honestly think that we don’t have anything to prove to anyone.
For some, I’m sure it can be an emotional rollercoaster but we can’t escape the inevitable.
10. What’s Your Advice To Anyone Dealing With Balding And Hair Loss Emotions?
I know a lot of people are scared to accept the fact that they are bald or are eventually going to be bald, but we don’t have to go through it alone.
We have to have a support system in place or have someone in your corner, this could be anyone. I think if you accept it and flaunt it so to speak, show confidence (pretend at first if you want), but make yours and everyone will accept you for you. Not just because you don’t have hair.
Hair doesn’t make you who you are. Bald is Badass, it may not be something that we can control, but we can own it anyway.
11. What Are The Future Plans For B.A.B.D?
The goals B.A.B.D. in the near future are to finish obtaining my Disable Veteran Small Business Certification as well as my Veterans Small Business Certification. With these Certifications we can work to get Government contract so that we can get out products in chain stores.
I want people to be aware of us bald folks and I want us to be proud of it. I hope to expand and keep expanding until someone tells me I can’t. F*** them anyway.

Final Words
We thoroughly enjoyed doing this Q&A with Jace. We like what B.A.B.D stands for and what their mission is all about – Helping bald men live better lives and making this a way of life.
Make sure to head over to his store and check it out!