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3 Month Push Up Challenge: Become A Strong Man In No Time

DisclaimerThe information presented by Bald Brothers is purely for informational purposes only. Any opinions on medical matters are purely the authors’ opinions, and do not represent that of any medical professional. It is your responsibility to evaluate your own medical or physical condition before using any of the information presented. By voluntarily undertaking any of the exercises displayed on this post, the user assumes the risk of any resulting injury.

Doing a basic push up seems easy and with no real benefits attached to the exercise, right? Wrong! Why not give this 3 month push up challenge a go and see why?

Push up challenge

Push ups are not only extremely beneficial but can also be done from any location and place!

As far and long as men have exercised, push ups have always been a core exercise that men have invested in, simply because it gets your upper body and abs into seriously good shape. And it’s good for overall strength.

Push ups are an exercise every man should integrate into his daily routine!

Keep reading to see why, and how you can also get started with daily push ups.

The 3 Month Push Up Challenge

Also see:

As stated above, push ups require no gym equipment and can be done on the floor at home or during lunch break in office hours.

With 10 minutes a day, you can pump out a lot of push ups and start building good strength with proper form (more on that later on).

Benefits Of Doing Push Ups:

  • Fast and effective exercise for building strength
  • Beneficial for upper body strength
  • Strengthens triceps, shoulders, pectoral muscles, lower back and core
  • Can be done from any location
  • Zero equipment required
  • Good exercise for weight loss and fat burning

If you are not sure of the correct technique for doing a push up, then check out the video below to see how to do a push up the proper way.

Get Involved With This Brilliant 3 Month Push Up Challenge

Both my brother and I love doing these physical exercise challenges, where we commit to doing a certain amount of one particular exercise everyday for a month, or as in this case, three months.

And today I have a really cool 3 month push up challenge for you to try.

The beauty about this challenge is that you can literally do it anywhere.

Heck, you can even get up from your work desk every hour and work in a set of push ups. I have done it before, and have gotten a lot of my previous work colleagues to do the same whilst in the office.

Challenge yourself and see if you can stick to this challenge, and you’ll end up making some good progress over the next 3 months.

In this challenge, we will aim to do push ups almost everyday for 3 months, leaving rest days in between for recovery.

Are you ready?

A Quick Warm Up Before You Get Started

If push ups are an exercise that you are used to and have done for years, then go ahead a do your own stretches.

If you are looking for a quick warm up routine, then follow the video below.

The 3 Month Push Up Challenge

push up challenge

The challenge I have prepared for you has been broken down into block periods with rest days scheduled every 10 days.

The first 30 days will be focused on technique and getting your strength up!

Thereafter, we build the reps up.

Month 1:

Days 1-10: Do 5 x 10 Push ups (Total: 50 push ups a day)

Day 11: Rest day

Days 12-20: Do 5 x 15 Push ups (Total: 75 push ups a day)

Day 21: Rest day

Days 22-29: Do 5 x 20 Push ups (Total: 100 push ups a day)

Day 30: Rest day

Month 2:

Days 1-10: Do 5 x 25 Push ups (Total: 125 push ups a day)

Day 11: Rest day

Days 12-20: Do 5 x 30 Push ups (Totoal: 150 push ups a day)

Day 21: Rest day

Days 22-29: Do 5 x 35 Push ups (Total: 175 push ups a day)

Day 30: Rest day

Month 3:

Days 1-10: Do 5 x 35 Push ups (Total: 175 push ups a day)

Day 11: Rest day

Days 12-20: Do 5 x 40 Push ups (Total: 200 push ups a day)

Day 21: Rest day

Days 22-29: Do 5 x 50 Push ups (Total: 250 push ups)


TOTAL Push ups completed: 11 525

The amount of push ups in the first few weeks start off easily, and build up to being a bit more challenging as time goes by.

Month 1 should be used to work on technique and building basic muscle strength.

Month 2 you should be in the swing of things and can use this up your muscle strength.

Month 3, Days 22-29 will be a test but after 2 and a half months of doing push ups you should be banging these out!

The main goal should be to complete the exercise and stick to your goals!

You will see good results after 3 months, and you will definitely make push ups a big part of your daily routine!

If the challenge seems too easy or too difficult for you, then feel free to adjust the numbers a bit.

If you really like push ups and you are looking for ways to increase your push up count every week or month, then check out this video below.

Good luck!



If you find that a three month challenge is too much for you, then make sure to sign up for our brand new 30 day push up challenge! Here we set out a one month challenge of completing 3000 push ups!